G.S.P Electrocleaner
Our G.S.P Electrocleaner is used in almost all plating situations. Invisible traces of grease exist on the surface of all objects, no matter how clean they appear to be, and these will cause undesirable patterns in the final finish of the plate. Our Electrocleaner cuts through all traces of grease, leaving you with an uncontaminated, spotless surface on which to proceed to the next step in the plating process, ensuring great results. This solution is effective when brush or tank plating and will result in an item that will pass the water break test.
For optimum performance, use with our G.S.P Brush Plating Probes or 316 Stainless Steel Flat Tank Plating Anodes.
Please note: it is best to use the G.S.P Electrocleaner not only at the start of a job, but also after any activating stages that may be involved.
(Image shows 5L bottle)
Overview of use
Instructions for use of:
G.S.P Electrocleaner
Pen plating:
6 volts
Brush plating:
6 volts
Tank plating:
6 volts or 8 amps (whichever comes first)
Additional notes:
Electroclean for 3 minutes then check that the item passes the water-break test.
If you are electrocleaning aluminium, then 5 minutes is normal. This may turn the aluminium black or white.
If your plating project involves activation of any kind, at any point, then each activation needs to be followed by electrocleaning for 1 minute before proceeding to the next step.
If electrocleaning via brush plating, be sure to be thorough, going over and over the item. For reference, an object the size of a mobile phone should be electrocleaned for 5 minutes.
Technical Specs
Electrocleaner prep chemical.
Used in nearly all plating applications as a final cleaning stage, prior to electroplating.
Plating modes?
Pen, brush, tank
Does it require heating?
Is it suitable for use with G.S.P Brush Plating Probes?
How much coverage per litre?
Part of Mirror Tech System?
Additional information:
Prevents marks and foggy patches in your final plate.
Safety information:
This chemical is classed as hazardous, always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and ensure that you read and follow the Safety Data Sheet supplied for details on how to stay safe.